The Landing
November 11, 1620 Mayflower Landing in Provincetown Harbor
400 Year Anniversary November 11, 2020
In Provincetown Harbor on November 11, 1620
The Mayflower Voyagers set their first footprints on THE NEW WORLD land that is now called Provincetown…the tip of Massachusetts. After following the spiral of the eastern coastline, they pulled into a sheltered harbor, and set their first steps on sandy soil on November 11, 1620.
The 400 Year Anniversary of what Plimoth Plantation had named... "A Voyage That Made a Nation"
Drive to the very end of Route 6, a road that spans the entire USA from Long Beach, CA to the tip of Cape Cod, and you come to ‘Pilgrims’ First Landing Park.’. An easily overlooked spot in the center of a rotary. I visited this spot again on September 22, 2020. The land and sea had been scoured the day before by Hurricane Teddy. Calling in the equinox codes of balance and recalibration, I sat in this rotary looking at the spot where the Mayflower Pilgrims disembarked and stepped onto North American soil.
Knowing that we were recalibrating for the 400 year Anniversary of this landing feels very significant to me.
Our nation has hit another rung on the freedom spiral. And as we recognize these timeline date markers as an opportunity to revisit. To learn from the past, to reassess, to recalibrate to current times, and to chart a new course forward.
400 years later, we are still working on the balance of how to achieve one's personal individual freedom without trampling on another's.
As peace, harmony and balance is an inside job, to cultivate the qualities we want to seed into the world, we plant them in the golden field of our own hearts.
May the spiral of the land, of time, of your journey always bring you into a sheltered harbor deep inside. Where you renew your courage to embark and land somewhere NEW.
The photographs included in this article are my own, with exception of the spectacular arial view image I purchased from Dave CLEAVELAND (maineimaging). They carry codes to convey the feeling sense of being there yourself in person. They carry codes through space and team, and offer you support as you recalibrate to peace, harmony and freedom.
The 400 Year Anniversary of what Plimoth Plantation had named... "A Voyage That Made a Nation"
Drive to the very end of Route 6, a road that spans the entire USA from Long Beach, CA to the tip of Cape Cod, and you come to ‘Pilgrims’ First Landing Park.’. An easily overlooked spot in the center of a rotary. I visited this spot again on September 22, 2020. The land and sea had been scoured the day before by Hurricane Teddy. Calling in the equinox codes of balance and recalibration, I sat in this rotary looking at the spot where the Mayflower Pilgrims disembarked and stepped onto North American soil.
Knowing that we were recalibrating for the 400 year Anniversary of this landing feels very significant to me.
Our nation has hit another rung on the freedom spiral. And as we recognize these timeline date markers as an opportunity to revisit. To learn from the past, to reassess, to recalibrate to current times, and to chart a new course forward.
400 years later, we are still working on the balance of how to achieve one's personal individual freedom without trampling on another's.
As peace, harmony and balance is an inside job, to cultivate the qualities we want to seed into the world, we plant them in the golden field of our own hearts.
May the spiral of the land, of time, of your journey always bring you into a sheltered harbor deep inside. Where you renew your courage to embark and land somewhere NEW.
The photographs included in this article are my own, with exception of the spectacular arial view image I purchased from Dave CLEAVELAND (maineimaging). They carry codes to convey the feeling sense of being there yourself in person. They carry codes through space and team, and offer you support as you recalibrate to peace, harmony and freedom.